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Black and white photo of a class on automotive carburetion servicing. All area car mechincs have a carburetor in their hands and watch as the teacher demonstrates.

"Earning certificates for completion of Kansas State College of Pittsburg's night course in "Automotive Carburetion Service," these area car mechanics examine one of the late model carburetors studied in the course. Taking part in the class, which is conducted by the College's vocational technical training department in cooperation with the State Board for Vocational Education, are left to right: Don Campbell and O.L. Smith, R-S Motor & Brake Service, Pittsburg; Frank DeRidder, Arma Elevator Co., Pittsburg; Robert Garner, Garner's Auto Repair, Pittsburg; Dean Wulf, Wulf's Auto Repair, Pittsburg; Larry Setina and Norman Girard, Girard Motor Co., Arma; Jack Wilson and Vincent A. Sitter, Jr., Sitter's Auto Service, Arma; and Harlan Klintworth, instructor. C. R. Riley of R-S Motor & Brake Service is not pictured."

--Office of Public Information


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