"The enclosed report is being sent you be KSCP/KHEA in an attempt to better inform the faculty concerning the bargaining process. This Ad Hoc Committee, organized September 6, has been gathering data ..
"The enclosed report is being sent you be KSCP/KHEA in an attempt to better inform the faculty concerning the bargaining process. This Ad Hoc Committee, organized September 6, has been gathering data concerning existing contracts at other colleges and universities, the Kansas PEER Act, and other relevant matters. The enclosed material is the result of their study. The cost for this publication is being borne by the Topeka office of KHEA. We welcome any comments you may have. This document is not to be confused with the contract that will eventually evolve."
The reproduction of images from the Pittsburg State University Special Collections & University Archives requires permission and possible payment for use in both digital and printed works, including b..
The reproduction of images from the Pittsburg State University Special Collections & University Archives requires permission and possible payment for use in both digital and printed works, including books, articles, films and television; and for advertising or commercial purposes. Please see the "Application for Permission to Publish, Quote, Broadcast, or Exhibit Items from the Special Collections & University Archives" in the FAQ for more information. Those using these images and texts assume all responsibility for questions of copyright and privacy that may arise.