KNEA in association with Pittsburg State University was created to:

  • To promote better educational opportunities for all students and to elevate the quality of instruction.
  • To develop and promote the adoption of such ethical practices, personnel policies, and standards of preparation and participation as mark a profession.
  • To develop and promote a continuing program to advance instruction by improving salaries and fringe benefits, by upgrading professional preparation, and by improving working conditions for all members of the faculty through formal negotiations with the governing body of Pittsburg State University.
  • To enable members to speak with a common voice on matters pertaining to the teaching profession and to present their individual and common interests.
  • To help educators develop an awareness of their privileges and responsibilities as citizen

KNEA 50th Anniversary Brochure Front

KNEA 50th Anniversary Brochure Back

<center><a href="">See full scale brochure here</a></center>


Join the PSU/KNEA. It's the Right Thing to Do! ~~Robert Kehle, Former PSU/KNEA President

The Pittsburg State University Chapter

of the Kansas National Education Association,

affiliated with the Kansas National Education Association (KNEA)

and the National Education Association (NEA)

To join in, get your questions answered, or to participate more contact, Tracy Stahl. You can also reach us via this QR code!


Benefits of Joining the PSU/KNEA
Benefits of Joining the PSU/KNEA
PSU/KNEA Event September 2023
PSU/KNEA Member Events
PSU/KNEA Important Documents
PSU/KNEA Important Documents
PSU/KNEA Early History
PSU/KNEA Presidents, 1974 - Present
PSU/KNEA Executive Committee Members - Roles and Responsibilities
PSU/KNEA Executive Committee Members - Roles and Responsibilities
PSU/KNEA Communicator Newsletters
PSU/KNEA Correspondence
PSU/KNEA Correspondence

2023 Executive Committee

2023 KNEA Executive Commitee

PSU KNEA Officers May 1, 2024 – April 30, 2025
KNEA Executive Committee
2024-2026** (Kyle Thompson, President)
2024-2025 (Amy Hite, Immediate Past President)
2024 (Fall) Trina Larery, 1st Vice President
2025 (Spring) Ananda Jayawardhana, 1st Vice President
2024-2025 Tracy Stahl, 2nd Vice President
2023-2025* Susan Carlson, Secretary
2024-2026** Karen Johnson, Treasurer
2023-2025* (Kyle Thompson, Parliamentarian)

KNEA-RA & Southeast Kansas Uniserv Council Delegates
2024-2025 Ken Ward
2024-2025 Malcolm Jason
2024-2025 Mark Diacopoulos
2024-2025 Marc Daczewitz

NEA-RA Delegates
2024-2025 Matt Tarpey
2023-2024 (Amy Hite (Alternate Delegate))

Bargaining Team
(appointed by Exec, also members of Bargaining Council)
2023-2025 Khamis Siam (Chief Negotiator)
2023-2025 Peter Chung
2023-2025 Trent Lindbloom
2023-2025 (Jason Clemenson)
2023-2025 (Kyle Thompson)

Bargaining Council 2023-2025 (2-year term staggered)
2023-2025 Darren Botallo-Samson
2023-2025 Jonathan Dresner
2023-2025 Erik Mayer
2023-2025 (Ruth Monnier)
2023-2025 Laura Washburn
2024-2026 John Daley
2024-2026 Anna Beth Gilmore
2024-2026 Beth Hendrickson
2024-2026 Browyn Conrad

Grievance Committee
(3 year term staggered – Chair appointed by Exec)
2022-2025 Peter Chung
2022-2025 Randy Winzer
2023-2026 Marc Daczewitz
2023-2026 (vacant)
2024-2027 Mark Diacopoulos
2024-2027 Jonathan Dresner

Membership Committee
(2-year term, even years)
2024-2025 Tracy Stahl, Chair, 2nd VP
2024-2026** Jennifer Richardson
2024-2026** Carissa Gober
2024-2026** Seth O’Brien

Elections Committee
3 individuals appointed in September of odd-numbered years
by President with approval of Exec Committee. Was not
appointed in Fall 2023; need to be appointed in Fall 2024.