Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Science (MS)
First Advisor
Edgar N. Mendenhall
Business education -- Georgia -- Atlanta, Academic achievement, Prediction of scholastic success
In our complex, dynamic society the youth of today have a greater problem to face in choosing their life work than did our forefathers because their lives were mapped out for them and there was very little else for them to do than follow in the footsteps of their parents. In view of this fact we have begun to realize that the youth of today needs educational and vocational guidance which should be given him in the secondary schools.
There are a great number of factors that must be considered before we can give a student intelligent guidance. The purpose of this study is not to present a great number of facts but to make a limited study in the field of commercial education. It will be an attempt to determine whether there is any connection between the so-called intelligence quotient and the ability to master shorthand, typewriting, and bookkeeping.
If it is found that there is a connection or correlation between the intelligence quotient as shown by intelligence test and the achievement in shorthand, typewriting, and bookkeeping, then perhaps, we can in some way employ the intelligence quotient as one of the bases in educational and vocational guidance in the field of commercial education. [Taken from Introduction]
Recommended Citation
Swenson, Clarence Alonzo, "A Study of the relation of intelligence to achievement in certain commercial subjects in "Commercial High School," Atlanta, Georgia" (1932). Electronic Theses & Dissertations. 584.