Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)



First Advisor

H.C. Pryor


Woodwork (Manual training), Study and teaching (Secondary)


This thesis gives an account of the construction of an objective examination in woodwork. The test is planned for use wherever woodwork is taught in the seventh, eighth, and ninth grades. This would include the junior high school under the six-three-three plan of organization, the junior high school and the first year of senior high school under the six-two-four plan, and the ninth grade, and occasionally the seventh and eighth grades under the older eight-four-plan. In the last case, woodwork is taught in the fifth and sixth grades, this test may be used because it includes only the most fundamental principles. However, the test is not specifically designed for these grades and its use in them is not recommended.

[Taken from Chapter I]



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