Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Science (MS)
First Advisor
O. P. Dellinger
Tobacco smoke, Physiological effect, Mice as laboratory animals, Maze tests, Mice reproduction
The purpose of this study was to secure information tending to verify, or to disprove the current opinions regarding the effects of smoking upon living organisms. Since the opinions regarding the effect of smoking upon man vary so enormously it was decided to subject animals to a controlled amount of cigarette smoke to see whether any of the harmful effects described by the opponents of tobacco could be produced: or, if these harmful effects were not evident, to see whether the beneficial results described by the friends of tobacco could be observed.
Recommended Citation
Fulnage, Irma Rosetta, "The effect of tobacco smoke on the maze running ability and reproduction of albino mice" (1931). Electronic Theses & Dissertations. 576.