Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)



First Advisor

M. E. Cochran


Prohibition, Kansas, Crawford County, Drinking of alcoholic beverages, History of Crawford County


The prohibition of the manufacture, sale, and use of intoxicating liquors today constitutes one of the greatest problems of law enforcement in the entire United States, as well as Crawford County, Kansas. The criminal docket has come to be more nearly a liquor docket, and the success of a county attorney' s administration has come to be estimated in terms of his prosecution of liquor law violators. The cost of­ enforcement is enormous. Few other movements have so greatly affected the political, social, and economic life of this country. Since prohibition is of such proportions, a study of this nature is justified.


The tag name (first page) was misspelt. The correct name is "Brandenburg, William A. Jr."



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