Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Science (MS)
First Advisor
Francis Gillum
Health education -- Kansas, Thesis (M. S.)--Kansas State Teachers College of Pittsburg, 1932
The Department of Home Economics of the Kansas State Teachers College at Pittsburg is responsible for teaching a course in Health Education to the seventh and eighth grade students of the training school. Since the department had been concerned with the planning of a course of study which would be uniform from year to year, it seemed fitting that a detailed study should be made of the health habits and knowledge of the students in the two grades that information gathered therefrom should be used in formulating a course of study. [Taken from Introduction]
Recommended Citation
Stoffer, Anna Yates, "A Course of study in health education for the seventh and eighth grades of the College Junior High School of Pittsburg, Kansas" (1932). Electronic Theses & Dissertations. 551.