Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)



First Advisor

Harry H. Hall


Biology -- Study and teaching (Secondary), Thesis (M. S.)--Kansas State Teachers College of Pittsburg, 1932


There is an agreement among curriculum constructors that too much emphasis has, in the past, been placed upon giving special training in science courses and that too little consideration has been given in planning the beginners courses so as to allow introductory work in various phases of the subject.

As a textbook course in general science at the junior high school level is often an assemblage of chapters from textbooks on special sciences and allows for very little emphasis upon the environment of the child or the needs of the community, the writer came to the conclusion after two years of experience in teaching general science classes in the training school of Kansas State Teachers College, Pittsburg, that teachers would do a more efficient piece of work by using a general outline of subject matter and using textbooks as reference material thereby allowing for a richer and broader curriculum. In this way the social needs of the pupils together with the time allotted to teaching would be the criteria for determining the material to be used and the curriculum could be modified from time to time to meet the needs and interests of the pupils. [Taken from Introduction]



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