Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)



First Advisor

Edgar Nelson Mendenhall


Academic achievement, Children of divorced parents -- Education, Thesis (M. S.)--Kansas State Teachers College of Pittsburg, 1932


Is the boy or girl from a broken home handicapped in his or her school work? There are many factors to be taken into consideration. some of these factors would be a handicap to the children from broken homes, while other would be to their advantage.

There is no question that the furnishing by parents of food, clothing, shelter, and the equipment necessary for the school life is of great advantage. Neither can tehre be any doubt as to the effect of the example, inspiration, and encouragement from the same source. Yet, perhaps, there may be too much aid. The child may not meet and work out his own problems. He may not be learning to thing for himself. [Taken from Introduction]

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