Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)



First Advisor

R. Tyson Wycoff


Short story -- Bibliography, Thesis (M. S.)--Kansas State Teachers College of Pittsburg, 1932


In compiling this annotated bibliography of the short story, I hope to meet a long felt need among teachers and students of the short story. The one bibliography of the short story now existing, the Index to Short Stories by Ina Ten Firkins contains excellent source material but is of small use to one who is not fairly well grounded in the short story. In preparing a bibliography which divides the short stories into types and annotates each story, I hope to provide the beginner in this field with easily available and time-saving material. The teacher of the short story will benefit even more from the use of this bibliography since it gives him short, easily available material which may serv as a means to refresh his memory, may provide sufficient material for several classes, and may assist him in selecting types for study.

The four types of the short story which I have treated in these pages, the story of dramatic incident, the horror story, the psychological story and the supernatural story, I shall define separately and briefly. [Taken from Introduction]



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