Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)



First Advisor

Ernest M. Anderson


Schools -- Exercises and recreations, Thesis (M. S.)--Kansas State Teachers College of Pittsburg, 1932


This study was made to obtain the desires of pupils relative to the high schoool assembly program. These desires if unform enough amoung a fairly large number could be woven into the high school program in such a way as would aid in enriching the lives of the pupils. Knowing the sthings that the ppupils would include in a proram would aid those in charge. The sutdy would include other features that would show the attitude of the pupils to the high schoool assemly and aid in measuring the value of the assembly to the indiviual pupil.

The author was especially interesting in knowing how far the assembly period offered a helpful environment. Other reasons were to find to what extent pupil participation is allowed and to ascertain if pupils desire it. This study would afford partial means of knowing if the high school assembly stirs the ambition and fires the imagination of pupils attending it. [Taken from Introduction]

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