Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)



First Advisor

Dr. L. C. Heckert


Gums, Resins, Synthetic, Condensation, Products


Chemists have always met up with the formation of resinous materials in various reactions, but because they were unable to separate in various reactions, but because they were unable to separate the individual parts of these mixtures, the products were not only considered worthless, but their formation often put an end to the investigation in that direction. This formation has always been a stumbling block to the chemist because he had always maintained a purity standard involving crystalline structure and sharp melting points. This need, however for a natural resin substitute has brought about an extensive study of not only all reactions that had led to the formation of these resinous materials, but also to similar types of reactions that might yield resinous materials.

It is the subject of this thesis to investigate one of these resin forming reactions in the hope that such study might lead to more definite and fundamental information of the factors involved in the formation of a satisfactory resin. [Taken from introduction]



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