Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)

First Advisor

Ernest M. Anderson


Reading -- Remedial teaching, Slow learning children -- Education, Kansas State Teachers College of Pittsburg, 1932


Investigations show the need for remdial instruction in reading in the intermediate grades. These studies show that many elementary school pupoils are retarded in reading, and that poor reading is the most requient cause of schoool failure. Reports of studies contain recommendations for remedial instruction as a means of improving the reading ability of retarded children.

Three questions may be asked regarding the effectiveness of remedial work in reading with retarded children: (1) Are the remedial measures effective with seriously retarded children in an average school situation? (2) Is improvement in reading accompanied by marked improvement in general school work? (3) How much improvement can be expected of seriously retarded elementary school pupils? This study was undertaken with the view of contributing some information in answer to these questions, and to suggest a remedial program in reading which would be effective and practical in the ordinary classroom.


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