Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)




State-Dependent learning (SDL) is the failure of learning to transfer from one drug state to another. State dependent learning was demonstrated and disrupted in an escape learning task. Male hooded rats were trained to escape shock in a modified T-maze. The rats were trained in either the drug (ethyl alcohol) state or the non-drug (water) state. The Transfer (T) group of rats were subjected to a 1 kHz tone during training and testing. The SDL groups were not. The results indicated that disruption of state dependent learning occurred in the T groups. That is, learning transferred across drug states. This was not the case with the SDL groups. This transfer of learning was attributed to the role of the tone as an emotional memory prompter.


vi, 50 leaves : ill. ; 28 cm. Bibliography: leaves 48-50.

Included in

Psychology Commons



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