Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Education (MEd)
School Psychology
Democratic society is committed to the program of educating all children of all the people regardless of their intellectual level. Every child would be educated to develop his fullest capabilities so that he can live a happy, useful life. This does not mean that the educational system can educate all by the same methods or to the same levels of achievement. Through appropriate education, however, even those at the lower level can be aided. The problem is to select printed reading materials which may be appropriate for use in teaching reading to seventh and eighth grade students who are divided into three groups: slow, average, and fast learners.
Recommended Citation
Claycomb, Fern Murray, "Reading materials appropriate for seventh and eighth grade ability groups" (1955). Electronic Theses & Dissertations. 116.
v, 47 p.: ill. ; 28 cm. Bibliography.