Document Type
Conference or Venue
ACRL 2021 - Association of College and Research Libraries
Publication Date
Come to this poster session to learn the importance of making your scholarship more visible by identifying the impact of your scholarship in your discipline and at large. Learn how to find data on citation use, determine the extent to which your scholarship is downloaded, and locate journal rankings to support the importance of your research to present in dossiers for tenure and promotion as well as regular performance reports.
Having hard data about downloads and citations of your scholarship to support your tenure or promotion dossier or regular performance report is crucial to assessing the impact of your scholarship on your discipline and society. Documenting the statistics of downloads and citations of your scholarship, as well as the rankings of the journals in which you publish, can help to support the scholarship area of your dossier. There are a variety of ways to gather data which will be presented in this session. In addition, learn how to give your work greater exposure to scholars worldwide, by depositing copies of your work in institutional repositories, and including links to your work in an ORCid profile. Bring an extra device to this poster presentation to try it out for yourself.
Recommended Citation
Pope, Barbara M. (2021, April 13-16) Supporting Your Tenure and Promotion With Scholarship Citations, Downloads, and Journal Rankings [Poster Presentation]. ACRL 2021, Virtual Conference.