Most frequently downloaded items February 2016, PSU Digital Commons

Deborah L. White, Pittsburg State University


Most frequently downloaded items in February 2016, PSU Digital Commons

In February we added 5 items to the repository for a total of 425 items.

Overall, the repository supplied 62 downloads for 38 items. All item downloads are listed below. Over half of the downloads were from student research (Undergraduate and Graduate).

The overall top download of 10 was for a student thesis: Characterization of Boron Hydride Compounds for Potential use in Pressurized Water Nuclear Reactors.

New Submissions:

Electronic Theses 2

Education Problem 1

The Kanza 3

Total Overall Submissions 419

Total Downloads 62

Items with 0 Downloads 387

Deborah L. White

May 3, 2016