Revised: August 27, 2004, March 31, 2007, August 20, 2014, March 7, 2023

Article I. Name and Affiliation
The name of this association shall be the Pittsburg State University Chapter of the Kansas National Education Association. This association shall be an affiliate of the Kansas National Education Association, and the National Education Association.

Article II: Purposes
The purposes of this organization shall be:

Section 1
To promote better educational opportunities for all students and to elevate the quality of instruction;

Section 2
To develop and promote the adoption of such ethical practices, personnel policies, and standards of preparation and participation as mark a profession;

Section 3
To develop and promote a continuing program to advance instruction by improving salaries and fringe benefits, by upgrading professional preparation, and by improving working conditions for all members of the faculty through formal negotiations with the governing body of Pittsburg State University.

Section 4
To enable members to speak with a common voice on matters pertaining to the teaching profession and to present their individual and common interests;

Section 5
To help educators develop an awareness of their privileges and responsibilities as citizens.

Article III: Membership

Section 1
Regular membership shall be available to:
a. any faculty member with teaching assignments, except for administrative members of the faculty at the level of department chairperson and above;
b. support personnel (which includes instructional-media personnel, librarians, and others of academic rank not excluded in Article III, Sec la, or included in Article III, Sec. 2). Such persons shall be entitled to hold membership, to vote, to hold office, and to serve on Chapter committees, providing such persons are also members of the Kansas National Education Association, and the National Education Association.

Section 2
Associate membership shall be available to-academic department chairpersons, directors, and others who perform professional services for students and teaching faculty, providing such persons are also members of the Kansas National Education Association, and the National Education Association. Associate members are not entitled to vote, to hold office, or to serve on Chapter committees.

Article IV: Officers and Executive Committee

The officers of this Chapter shall consist of a president, a first vice-president, a second vice-president, a secretary, parliamentarian, and a treasurer. The Executive Committee shall consist of the officers of the organization, the immediate past president, and delegates to the National Education Association Representative Assembly, the Kansas National Education Association Representative Assembly, and the Uniserv Southeast Council.

Article V: Amendments

Section 1
Any amendment to this Constitution may be introduced at any meeting of the organization by the Executive Committee, or by a petition signed by twenty percent of the membership, or twenty members, whichever is smaller. A vote on the proposed amendment may be taken after it has been distributed to the membership for at least one week prior to the vote. A two-thirds majority-of those voting shall be required to adopt the proposed amendment to the Constitution.

Section 2
An amendment to the Bylaws may be introduced at any meeting of the organization by the Executive Committee, or by a petition signed by twenty percent of the membership, or twenty members, whichever is smaller. A vote on the proposed amendment may be taken after it has been distributed to the membership for at least one week prior to the vote. A simple majority of those voting Shall be required to adopt the amendment to the Bylaws.

Article VI: Recall of Officers

Section 1
An officer may be recalled for misfeasance, malfeasance, or nonfeasance. Charges to this effect may be made by a majority of the members of the Executive Committee, or by a petition signed by twenty percent of the membership, or twenty members, whichever is smaller.

Section 2
Specific charges in such cases shall be sent to a Review Panel which shall study the charges and make findings of fact and appropriate recommendations to the membership. The Review Panel shall consist of five members drawn at random from the membership by the Elections Committee. Within one month after the Review Panel reports to the membership, the Elections Committee shall conduct a referendum in which the membership votes to retain or dismiss the officer charges. If charges are retained, two thirds vote of those voting shall be required to dismiss an officer.

Section 3
A vacancy in the office of the President shall be filled by the First Vice-President. A vacancy in other offices shall be filled by appointment of the Executive Committee, except that if both the President and the First Vice-President are recalled, an election supervised by the Elections Committee will be held within fifteen days to elect officers to fill the vacancies for the unexpired terms. The Second Vice-President shall preside until the vacancies are filled. In the event the entire Executive Committee is recalled, the chairperson of the Collective Bargaining Council shall act as President until the vacancies are filled by election.


Article I: Rules of Order

Roberts' Rules of Order (Revised) shall be the authority on all questions of procedure not specifically covered in this Constitution and its Bylaws.

Article II: Elections

Section 1
The Elections Committee shall conduct the election of officers, delegates, alternates, and standing committee members by secret ballot of the regular membership before April 1. Nominations for the various offices may also be made from the floor at a chapter meeting in March or by filing a declaration of candidacy petition with the Elections Committee signed by five or more regular members prior to the March chapter meeting referred to in this paragraph. The new officers, delegates and alternates shall assume office May 1.

Section 2
The Chapter shall apply the one-person, one-vote principle for representation on its governing bodies.

Article III: Duties of Officers

Section 1
The President shall preside at all meetings of the Chapter and of the Executive Committee; shall appoint the chairperson of all ad hoc committees unless otherwise indicated in these Bylaws, subject to the approval of the Executive Committee; shall assign the various members of the Executive Committee to serve as liaison with Chapter committees; shall be an ex-officio member of all committees; and shall be the chief spokesperson of the Chapter. The term of office shall be for two years, beginning on the 1st day of May following election. (Even numbered years.)

Section 2
The First Vice-President shall assist the President in the performance of his or her duties; shall assume all the duties of the President in case of absence, resignation, or recall; and shall be responsible for the Chapter newsletter. The term of office shall be for one year, beginning on the 1st day of May following election.

Section 3
The Second Vice-President shall be chairperson of the membership committee in charge of membership maintenance and expansion and shall coordinate membership services. The term of office shall be for one year, beginning on the 1st day of May following election.

Section 4

The Secretary shall maintain a permanent record of all meetings of the Chapter and of the Executive Committee; shall distribute to the membership agenda and minutes of all Chapter meetings; shall carry on any other duties pertaining to the office; and shall serve as Chapter Historian. The term of office shall be for two years, beginning on the 1st day of May following election. (Odd numbered years.)

Section 5
The Treasurer shall keep a financial record of the organization; shall be responsible for collection of revenue and disbursement of funds as authorized by the Executive Committee; shall submit an annual financial report to the membership; and shall recommend an annual budget in May for consideration of the Executive Committee. The term of office shall be for two years, beginning on the 1st day of May-following election. (Even numbered years.)

Section 6
Upon leaving office all officers shall turn over current and active Chapter records and appurtenances to that office to their successors and all other Chapter records to the Secretary.

Section 7
This office of Parliamentarian is responsible for advising the presiding officer and executive committee on parliamentary procedures based on Robert's Rules of Order (Revised). The term of office shall be for two years, beginning on the 1st day of May following election. (Odd numbered years.)

Article IV: Duties of Delegates and Alternates

Section 1
The delegates shall serve as members of the Executive Committee. The term of office shall be for one year, beginning on the 1st day of May following election.

Section 2
They shall represent the PSU-KNEA Chapter at the National Education Association Representative Assembly, the Kansas National Education Association Representative Assembly, and the Uniserv Southeast Council.

Section 3
Delegates and alternates may be elected to the Uniserv Southeast Council or the Kansas National Education Representative Assembly or to both bodies.

Article V: Executive Committee

Section 1
The duties, responsibilities and authority for all business and all matters of the Chapter, except as stated otherwise in this Constitution and its Bylaws, shall rest upon the Executive Committee.

Section 2
The Executive Committee shall establish a regular schedule of meetings. Special meetings of the Executive Committee may be called by the President or upon request of a majority of the members of the Executive Committee.

Section 3
A member of the Executive Committee, by reason of absence without reasonable cause from three consecutive meetings of the Executive Committee, or resignation, may no longer be considered as holding that office to which he or she has been elected or appointed. The Executive Committee shall appoint a replacement, except in the case of a President, whose post shall be filled by the First Vice-President.

Section 4
The Executive Committee shall oversee and coordinate the activities of all standing and ad hoc committees, and all such committees shall report to the Executive Committee.

Section 5
The Executive Committee shall determine whether a person qualifies as a Regular Member or an Associate Member.

Section 6
All regular meetings of the Executive Committee shall be open to the regular membership of the Chapter. The schedule of regular Executive Committee meetings shall be made known to the membership prior to the meetings.

Article VI: Standing Committees

Section 1
The following shall be standing committees of the Chapter: Elections, Collective Bargaining Council, Membership, Bargaining Team, Grievance, and Executive Committee.

Section 2
All standing committees shall establish their own rules of procedure which shall be consistent with this Constitution and its Bylaws, and which shall be incorporated into these Bylaws by reference upon approval of the membership. All members of the standing committees shall take office following the May election and serve their allotted terms.

Section 3
The Elections Committee shall consist of three individuals appointed by the President, with the advice and consent of the Executive Committee in September on odd-numbered years. The term of office shall be two years. The Elections Committee shall nominate candidates, supervise elections, coordinate and certify the results of all Chapter bargaining unit elections. The Elections Committee chairperson shall be designated by the President.

Section 4
The Collective Bargaining Council shall consist of fifteen members. Five members shall be elected by the membership in May of odd numbered years and five elected by the membership in May of even numbered years. The five remaining members make up the Bargaining Team and shall be appointed by the President, subject to Executive Committee approval. The Chief Negotiator of the Bargaining Team serves as chairperson of this Council. The term of office shall be two years. The Collective Bargaining Council shall prepare proposals for negotiations and advise the Bargaining Team during negotiations.

Section 5
The Membership Committee shall consist of three individuals elected by the membership in May of even-numbered years. The term of office shall be two years. The Membership Committee shall be in charge of recruiting members, membership maintenance and expansion, and shall coordinate membership services. The Second Vice-President shall serve as chairperson of this committee.

Section 6
The Bargaining Team shall consist of five individuals appointed by the Executive Committee subject to the approval of the membership in May of odd-numbered years. The term of office shall be two years. The Bargaining Team shall represent the bargaining unit in negotiations with the governing body of Pittsburg State University. It shall present proposals developed by the Collective Bargaining Council and it shall be empowered to revise these proposals as it deems proper during negotiations. The Bargaining Team shall report periodically on the progress of negotiations to the Executive Committee, the Collective Bargaining Council and the membership. The Bargaining Team shall submit the Master Agreement to the membership of the bargaining unit for a ratification vote. The Bargaining Team shall represent the bargaining unit both in the negotiation of the Master Agreement and the follow-up negotiations which may flow out of the Master Agreement. The Chief Negotiator shall be appointed by the President with the advice and consent of the Executive Committee.

Section 7
The Grievance Committee shall consist of six members. During May of each year two new members shall be-elected. The term of office shall be three years, The Grievance Committee-shall administer and coordinate the processing of grievances under the terms of the Master Agreement. The Grievance Committee chairperson shall be designated by the President with the advice and consent of the Executive Committee. In the event of a vacancy on the Grievance Committee, the remaining members shall recommend to the Executive Committee a replacement to serve the unexpired term. The Executive Committee shall be advised of all grievances.

Section 8
A member of a standing committee, except for the Executive Committee, by reason of resignation or absence without reasonable cause from three consecutive meetings of the standing committee of which he or she is a member, shall no longer be considered as holding that office to which he or she has been elected or appointed. The Executive Committee shall appoint a replacement.

Section 9
An individual may be removed as a member of a standing committee, except for the Executive Committee, upon the recommendation of two-thirds of the committee in question and the subsequent approval of such a recommendation by the Executive Committee.

Section 10
No individual shall serve simultaneously on more than two standing committees except for the President of the Chapter, who is an ex-officio member of all committees. Article VII: Ad Hoc Committees Ad hoc committees shall be appointed by the President, with the advice and consent of the Executive Committee, as they are deemed necessary for accomplishing the work of the Association. Such special committees would be appointed only for a specific purpose or for a specified period of time.

Article VIII: Meetings

Section 1
This association shall conduct general membership meetings in March of each year. The Executive Committee shall set the meeting dates and plan the meeting programs.

Section 2
Special meetings of the organization may be called by the Executive Committee, or upon the presentation of a petition signed by fifteen of the regular members.

Article IX: Dues and Dissolution

Section 1

The Executive Committee, with the approval of the general membership, may establish local dues as deemed necessary.

Section 2
If the Chapter dissolves, its cash assets will be transferred to the Kansas National Education Association.

Section 3

The fiscal and membership year of the Chapter shall be September 1 through August 31. Article X: Quorum A quorum for the transaction of business at all Chapter meetings shall be twenty percent of the membership, or twenty regular members, whichever is smaller.

KNEA Members Over the Years

KSTA-NEA members sit around a table

Kansas State Teachers Association, 1964

David G. Vequist 1976

David Vequist, 1976

1976_p191_BettyDuncan - Copy

Betty Duncan, 1976

Fact-Finder Case, 1977

Fact-Finder Case, 1977

Fact Finder Case, 1977, Tony Stenola, Dr. Henry Grether, Orville Brill, Pete Hamilton, Dr. Alvin Proctor.

Francis Short, 1980

Francis Short, 1980



Faculty Contract Modification Negotiations, 1983, Dr. Russell Jones, Dr. Don Kerle, Dr. Don Hight, Dr. Edward Galloway

Dr. Donald Wilson and Dr. John Welsh sign meet and confer agreement, 1986

KSNEA Kanza group photo, 1991

Kansas Student National Education Association, 1991

KSNEA Kanza group photo, 1992

Kansas Student National Education Association, 1992

Universitas WF 1992 Cover

Universitas, 1992, Winter/Fall - An insight into some members


PSU-KNEA Members, 2011


PSU-KNEA Members, 2016

Amy-Laura-Tim Fall 2023

Amy Hite, Laura Lee Washburn, Tim Thomas, 2023