Date of Award

Spring 5-13-2017

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)

First Advisor

Jeanea Lambeth

Second Advisor

Eli Aba

Third Advisor

Andrew Klenke

Fourth Advisor

Maeve Cummings


Nontraditional students with children are a growing population within the college and university environment (Ross-Gordon, Jovita 2011). Many questions about the struggles these students endure to achieve a degree have yet to be discovered. The aim of this exploratory descriptive study is to examine the relationships between the average study times of nontraditional students with children, versus students without children who attend Pittsburg State University (PSU) in the Spring 2017 semester. Data for this study was collected through a survey instrument which was administered through Survey Monkeytm. The instrument was delivered via the PSU Mr.Bulke email system to the population of students who were studied. A sample of the population was identified by those participants who voluntarily consented to participate in this inquiry. This study showed that the number of hours for study reported by the PSU students ranged from 20 hours to 29 hours per week. This range was significant since it was reported to be the same number of hours for each of the groups studied for this inquiry. It is the hope that the results of this study will help PSU faculty and instructors in supporting students who are considered nontraditional and have children.

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Thesis Final Word



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